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Spring Pouchong tea leaves that may be used for tasseography divination

Taseografía (también llamada taseomancia o tasología) es un método de adivinación que consiste en interpretar patrones en las hojas de , posos de café, o sedimentos del vino.

El término deriva de la palabra francesa tasse (taza), la cual a su vez deriva de la palabra árabe tassa, y de los sufijos griegos -graphos (escritura), -logos (estudio de), y -mancia (adivinación).

No hay una evidencia científica de que el futuro pueda ser determinado o conocido a través de la interpretación de estos patrones.


Los primeros documentos escritos sobre la taseografía en Occidente se remontan a los adivinadores europeos de la Edad Media, que interpretaban manchas de cera, plomo, y otras sustancias fundidas. Esto evolucionó hacia la lectura de las hojas de té hacia el siglo XVII, poco tiempo después de que los mercaderes daneses introdujeran el té en Europa a través de las rutas de comercio con China.

Escocia, Irlanda e Inglaterra han sido cuna de un buen número de adivinos y autores de escritos sobre el tema, y los ceramistas ingleses crearon sets de té especialmente diseñados y decorados para ayudar en la lectura de la fortuna. Ciertas culturas de Oriente Próximo que practican este tipo de adivinación normalmente usan platos hechos de posos de café turco usado.

Método de la lectura de las hojas del té

An example of a tea leaf reading showing a dog and a bird on the side of the cup.

La Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology, Fifth Edition, Vol. 2, editada por J. Gordon Melton, indica:

"Después de servir una taza de té, sin usar filtro, el té debe ser bebido o desechado. La taza debe ser entonces bien agitada y cualquier líquido sobrante debe ser escurrido en un plato aparte. Entonces el adivino debe observar los patrones de las hojas de té en la taza y permitir que la imaginación juegue con él y le sugiera formas. Debe poder apreciar una carta, una forma de corazón, o un anillo... Esas formas son interpretadas entonces de forma intuitiva o por medio de un sistema claro de simbolismo, tal como: serpiente (falsedad o traición), espada (buena suerte en los negocios), montaña (viaje de autoconocimiento), o casa (cambio, éxito)."

Los métodos descritos por Melton de desechar el té y de agitar la taza son poco utilizados; la mayor parte de los lectores de posos suelen pedir a la otra persona que beba el té, y después remueva la taza. Además, su idea de que los videntes interpreten de forma intuitiva refleja su escasa familiaridad con la lectura de las tazas de té, ya que la mayoría de los lectores de posos usan los símbolos estandarizados que se han transmitido durante generaciones. Aunque hay quienes prefieren leer por medio del sentimiento y la intuición, como describe Melton.

La forma tradicional de leer una taza desde el presente hasta el futuro es empezando por el borde de la taza bajo el asa y siguiendo los símbolos en espiral, hasta llegar al fondo, que simboliza el futuro lejano. La mayoría de los videntes ven imágenes sólo en las hojas más oscuras sobre un fondo blanco o neutral; algunos también son capaces de leer imágenes en negativo, formadas en el fondo blanco bajo el fondo oscuro de las hojas.

Alguna gente considera como mala praxis tratar de leer el futuro mediante la taseografía usando té de una bolsa de té abierta, en lugar de té a granel, así como ayudarse de un diccionario de símbolos. Las razones de este rechazo son de índole práctica: las bolsas de té son demasiado finas como para crear formas definidas con los posos, y la lectura de las hojas de té tiene su propia historia y simbología, que no se corresponde exactamente con otros sistemas, como la adivinación a partir del significado simbólico de los sueños.

Tazas de té para adivinar el futuro

Although many people prefer a simple white cup for tea leaf reading, there are also traditions concerning the positional placement of the leaves in the cup, and some find it easier to work with marked cups. Beginning in the late 19th century and continuing to the present, English and American potteries have produced specially decorated cup and saucer sets for the use of tea-leaf readers. Many of these designs are patented and come with instructions explaining their mode of use. Some of the most common were those that were given away with purchases of bulk tea.

There are dozens of individual designs of fortune tellers' cups, but the three most common types are zodiac cups, playing card cups, and symbol cups.

Three most common types of fortune tellers' cups
Type Definition
Zodiac cups These sets contain zodiacal and planetary symbols. Typically the interior of the cup contains the planetary symbols, while the saucer has the astrological sign symbols, but there are many variations and exceptions to this common pattern. The placement of these symbols allows the reader to combine astrology with tasseography.
Playing card cups These cups carry within their interiors tiny images of a deck of scattered cards, either 52 cards plus a joker, as in a poker deck, or 32 cards, as in a euchre deck. Some sets also have a few cards imprinted on the saucers, or the saucers may contain brief written card interpretations. The playing cards permit the reader to creatively relate cartomancy to tasseography.
Symbol cups These sets are decorated with between a dozen and fifty of the most common visual cues that can be found in tea leaves, often numbered for easy reference and supplied with an explanatory booklet. The symbols are generally displayed inside the cups, but there are also sets in which they decorate the outside or appear in the cups and on the saucers.

Coffee reading

Coffee reading

Coffee tasseography is called καφεμαντεία in Greek or kahve falı in Turkish. Traditionally, coffee readers use Turkish coffee or any method of coffee brewing that leaves grounds sitting at the bottom of the cup. Most of the coffee in the cup is consumed, but the sediments are left to settle. It is often believed that the querent should not read his or her own cup.

There are several variations of coffee reading. They commonly require for the cup to be covered with the saucer and turned upside-down. In the Turkish tradition, coffee-readers often interpret the cup as being divided into horizontal halves: symbols appearing on the bottom half are interpreted as messages regarding the past, and symbols on the top half are messages regarding the future. The cup may also be interpreted in vertical halves to determine "yes" or "no" answers as well as the overall outcome of the events represented by symbols. For example, some fortune tellers may "read" symbols in the "left" half as "negative" events or outcomes, while symbols in the "right" half are "read" as "positive". Other readers may adhere to the belief that the cup is capable of revealing insights about the past, but it cannot predict events beyond forty days into the future. The saucer may also be incorporated into the reading. As with the cup, different variations exist for what the saucer represents, including whether the saucer sticking to the cup indicates a "positive" or "negative" outcome.

Some Romanian methods require that the sediments be swirled around the until they cover the majority of the cup's inside surface. Other traditions, such as Turkish and Middle Eastern, do not require this swirling but do require that the cup be turned towards the querent in revealing the fortune. The coffee grounds are given time to dry against the cup before a reading begins.

Many interpretations for symbols exist, but readers commonly focus on the color of the symbols. Since most cups used are white or ivory and the grounds are dark, symbols are formed from the strong, contrasting colors. White is considered a "good" symbol foretelling of generally positive things for the querent, while the grounds themselves are considered to form "bad" symbols.

Symbols can be many things, including people, animals, and inanimate objects. Usually, the fortune teller will group nearby symbols together for a prediction.

After a reading, the querent will be asked to "open the heart". This is done by placing the right thumb at the inside bottom of the cup and twisting clockwise slightly. This will leave an impression behind that the fortune teller will interpret as the querent's inner thoughts or emotions.

Some symbols and their meanings include:

Symbol Meaning
Apple achieving knowledge, completing school, getting diploma
Flying birds good news
Candle enlightenment
Cat a deceitful friend or relative
Dog loyal friend or relative
Kite wishes will come true
Raven death or bad news

In 2007, a coffee-reading fortune teller from Israel was charged with practicing magic, a crime punishable by up to five years in jail. The fortune teller in question was acquitted of the charges after the Israeli government deemed it too hard to prove she was knowingly "faking it".


  • Fenton, Sasha Tea Cup Reading: A Quick and Easy Guide to Tasseography. Red Wheel / Weiser, 2002
  • Fontana, Marjorie A. Cup of Fortune: A Guide to Tea Leaf Reading. Wis.: Fantastic, 1979.
  • Kent, Cicely. Telling Fortunes By Tea Leaves. 1922
  • Posey, Sandra Mizumoto. Cafe Nation: Coffee Folklore, Magick, and Divination. Santa Monica: Santa Monica Press, 2000.
  • Sheridan, Jo. Teacup Fortune-telling. London: Mayflower, 1978
  • Yaman, Beytullah. The Art of Turkish Coffee Brewing. Ankara: Bilkent University Press, 1987

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