
Gushu (古树) is a term for ancient tea trees. Gu (古) means ancient, or more precisely, antique, and Shu (树) means tree. However, there is much debate about which trees are genuinely Gushu. Every farmer and tea merchant naturally claim that their tea comes from Gushu. The complexity is further compounded by the fact that each tea-growing region uses different terminology for its trees. For example, in Jing Mai, Dashu (大树) is used for large trees. Elsewhere, trees of the same size might be called Qiaomu (乔木). Others prefer to use Yesheng (野树) for wild trees to emphasize their originality. Some may boast about their tree being Laoshu (老树), literally an old tree. Shengtai (生态), on the other hand, refers to an ecologically grown tea tree or bush. Only with Taidi (台地), everyone agrees that this is not Gushu but rather simple plantation tea.
In general, it can be said that tea trees over 100 years old can be called Gushu. Below 100 years, Laoshu or Laocong are the most likely terms, but even here, the boundaries are fluid.